
Earth Spa Aromatherapy Rose Soap

How's your January so far?? I've been attending a lot of events and some bonding moments with my girls! And with all those events, I need to make sure that I feel fresh anytime and anywhere I go. So when I was reviewing the gifts that I got last December, I decided to use already one of it which is Earth Spa Aromatherapy Soap. 

On the first look, I was little scared of this since I don't like the smell of Rose. But when I smelled it, it didn't smell the Rose that I don't like. It has a light smell of Rose which I prefer. So if you are very much into rose, you might not appreciate it. 

One great thing about this product is that after the outer packaging, it has another plastic inside to ensure hygiene.

It is actually very thick at 180g but it doesn't have that moisturizing effect. It doesn't melt easily so I will definitely use this longer. Yippee!! I've been using this for a week now and so far so good. I didn't feel any irritations. Do you know other Earth Spa products??


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