
Ovomaltine Crunchy

Hello there! I am very sorry for lack of posts, I've been quite busy lately. :) 

Well anyways, with busyness I make sure to start the day by eating breakfast! I need energy to last me until lunch time but then I don't have the luxury of time to eat a full meal... :(  
Breakfast for me mostly equates to bread... that is why I am very fond of spreads. I want to try different spreads to give my bread a different approach. For this post, I've finally tried Ovomaltine! 

Ovaltine is a well known brand for choco malt drink here in the Philippines but not much for Ovomaltine spread until today. After the cookie butter craze, it's all about popular brands of choco spreads and I'll start of with Ovomaltine.

I am very curious if it taste the same as the Ovaltine drink specially when taken as it is. haha! 

Again, I am very fond of products that are properly sealed! Check!!!

Time to try the actual Ovomaltine!! Yyiiippppeee!!!

Look at the crunchy and chocolatey texture. It's like I can already smell through this photo. haha

Close look
 My experience:

  • Smells chocolate, a little like Ovaltine drink
  • The crunch texture is the same of cookie butter, I like it as it doesn't stick through the teeth
  • Sweet taste like Ovaltine
  • Has the creamy texture!
Will I purchase again?
YES! I like it. :)

Please do await for my next post for another choco spread post. :)


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